is the latest site created by me, Jimmy Crabb.
I have been dealing in minerals and crystals since around 1996 but took a few years out to pay my dues in the corporate world. I absolutely hated it! So I rejuvenated my site at in late 2015 to specialize in supplying a wide variety of quartz crystals from around the world and have now finally gotten around to creating this site in order to supply collectors with the huge variety of mineral specimens I have access to.
I have plans for another site supplying polished minerals and crystals, but whether or not I will have time to develop that in the near future remains to be seen 🙂
This is all too much work for just one person, so helping me I have my dad (Laddie Crabb) doing a lot of the cleaning of the minerals and crystals as I get them from the mines as well as packing orders and getting them ready for shipping and my buddy (Ian Wolff) who photographs the rocks and uploads them to the site as well as also helping with the cleaning and preparation of minerals and crystals